The Do’s of Video – What Makes Some Clips More Watchable?

As we continue to manage working through COVID-19, we’ve seen a sharp increase in use of digital platforms that include video.  The trend in this type of remote connectivity is not new; video provides tremendous opportunities for brands and businesses. It’s a simple and easy way to reach and connect with customers and employees. Although there will always be value and a need for in person interactions, using video, especially in our current situation, can be a powerful alternative to lengthy presentations or emails. But it takes some effort to make video work for you.  We put together a short list of tips to capture your audience’s attention and deliver messages that stick.

DO. Make your video message as clear and compelling as possible. 

Ask yourself the important questions:

  1. Who is your audience? 
  2. Have I connected with them previously?
  3. Is the information I’m sharing relevant? Engaging?

Like any type of presentation, a video needs to be well planned and executed.Will it be a headshot only of you talking? Will there be other “scenes”? Creating a “shot list” of the clips that need to be filmed to create a finished product will keep your video on a clear path. You don’t have to over engineer a video. You can use clear visuals with voiceover to add some dimension to the video.

DO. Make Your Videos Phone Friendly.

You can almost guarantee that a majority of your viewers will be watching from a mobile device. If you are filming a video via iPhone (this is great quality for a low cost) make sure it is being filmed horizontally at all times to ensure a full-screen video. When editing the video, ensuring all text, charts, & photos added in the overlay are large scale to allow viewers on small devices to appropriately see all information. 

DO. Invest in a few low-cost tools to enhance the quality. 

You’ll want to look good in front of the camera, but audio quality is just as important.  You can order some affordable tools online to enhance your video.  For example, a tripod to hold your camera or smartphone steady—or a small microphone to pick up your voice clearly can greatly improve your video. If you’ve written a script, you can even download a teleprompter for your iPad to deliver your message evenly and on message.

DO. Add a thumbnail.

Think of your thumbnail as your video’s packaging, it needs to be click-worthy to engage your viewers. The thumbnail of your video should include a clear photo or image that illustrates your topic and invites views to listen and watch. Using free websites such as can allow you to edit your image while adding text over the photo to get your videos point across.

If you want to reach employees and you cannot be face to face, consider adding video to your communication channels. What tips can you share about videos in your communication plan?