As we all slide into yet another week of our new COVID-19 working from home reality, lots of us are finding—or needing—a break. One way to take a break that isn’t a total time suck is to catch up on business reading or listening. If you’re a podcast fan, you know that you can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours hours to learn something new about your industry, an industry you don’t know very much about, employee engagement and culture or just business in general—the good, the bad and the ugly.

There are almost 30,000 APPLE business podcasts per the chart, so there’s certainly something for everyone. Here are 5 of our faves.

- The Tim Ferris Show: Cited as the top business podcast on Apple Podcasts for the past three years, host Tim Ferriss interviews world-class performers across industries (investing, sports, business, art, etc.) to extract the tactics and routines listeners can use in their daily lives. “Each episode, I deconstruct world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, sports, business, art, etc.) to extract the tactics, tools, and routines you can use. This includes favorite books, morning routines, exercise habits, time-management tricks, and much more.”
- How I Built This: NPR’s Guy Raz dives into the stories behind some of the world’s best-known companies by weaving a narrative journey about innovators, entrepreneurs and idealists. Check out the story behind Ben & Jerry’s, Stacy’s Pita Chips, Birchbox, EventBrite, JetBlue, Panera Bread and many more.
- GirlBoss: Nasty Gal founder Sophia Amoruso interviews boundary-pushing women who’ve made their mark. Listen to solid advice from the lessons these trailblazers have learned along the way, including Tulsi Gabbard, Alyssa Milano, Valerie Jarrett and Tina Brown.
- HBR Ideacast: Sarah Green Carmichael, an executive editor at Harvard Business Review, hosts the HBR IdeaCast podcast, featuring leading thinkers in business and management. Sample topics include Adjusting to Remote work, Real Leaders: Abraham Lincoln and the Power of Emotional Discipline, and Rules for Effective Hiring and Firing.
- My Wakeup Call. Everyone has wakeup calls but not everyone wakes up. In this podcast, Dr. Mark Goulston speaks to people who woke up and were inspired to change their lives.
Don’t have the time or energy to decide what to listen to today? Say “Alexa, play me a top podcast.” When I did this, I got to hear one of Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations. Easy.
What are YOUR favorite podcasts? Share in the Comments!